FZ:s tekniskt intresserade torde ha anledning att svänga förbi #Microsofts webbplats där en uppdaterad version av utvecklingsvekrtyget XNA Game Studio Express inväntar nedladdning. Bland nyheterna - som mer ingående kan studeras i nedanstående pressmeddelande - nämns bland annat möjlighet att bygga och dela exekverbara filer mellan [[Windows]] och [[Xbox 360]] utan att behöva öppna [[källkod | källkoden]] samt stöd för typsnitt, surroundljud och [[Windows Vista | Vista]]. Kravet på kostnadsbelagt abonnemang (knappt 700 kronor/år) kvarstår dock för den som vill låta andra utvecklare ta del av egenhändigt hopkodade 360-spel.
Today, Microsoft released an update to XNA Game Studio Express which adds new functionality, enhancements and performance improvements to the software. Officially dubbed the XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 Refresh, this release is an incremental update to the previously released XNA Game Studio Express 1.0.
The most significant new feature is the addition of XNA Packager, a utility which will allow users to build and share game binaries for both Windows and Xbox 360. Users can now easily package and share their games for Windows and Xbox 360 without having to share their project source code. The sharing of Xbox 360 games requires a subscription to the XNA Creators Club, which is available via Xbox LIVE Marketplace for $49 (U.S.) for a four-month subscription, or $99 (U.S.) for an annual subscription.
Additional features included in the XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 Refresh include:
Official XNA Game Studio Express compatibility with Windows Vista
Support for 3D audio using XACT
Support for fonts in the XNA Framework
Various other product enhancements and performance tuning
Originally released in December of 2006, XNA Game Studio Express is a game development solution targeted primarily at students, hobbyists, and independent game developers. XNA Game Studio Express is based on Visual C# 2005 Express Edition and lets developers create games for both Windows and Xbox 360.