För en vecka sedan hade vi #ArenaNet i heta stolen, idag har de förflyttat sig till GameSpys dito. Självklart är det nyligen [n=18606 annonserade] uppföljaren #Guild Wars 2 som är det stora samtalsämnet.
I recently spent some time on the phone with ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain and a number of the Guild Wars development crew. After talking to them, I've come to realize that they're crazy. Or they might be geniuses. Or maybe both. How else do you explain the decision by a developer to just abandon a successful MMO? Guild Wars launched in April 2005 amidst a flurry of critical praise and PvP fan huzzahs. The unusual MMO experience had no monthly fee to play. Players simply bought the game and could play as much as they wanted for as long as they wanted. The company would make its money with a series of stand-alone content additions that would be released every six months or so.