<img src="http://www.fz.se/bildarkiv/images/MixMaster/croar.thumb.jpg" width="88" height="75" border="1" style="border: 1px solid black;"></img>
Betatesta imorgonÄven om #Blizzard med sina 8,5 miljoner #World of Warcraft-abonnenter dammsugit en god del av marknadssegmentet för nätrollspel ser genren ut att ha ytterligare tillväxtpotential. Australiensiska #SeedC Pacific meddelar genom en sent inkommen kommuniké att man söker fler [[betatest | betatestare]] till den [[anime | animeinspirerande]] [[MMORPG]]-titeln #MixMaster.

<img src="http://www.fz.se/bildarkiv/images/MixMaster/MixMaster_4.thumb.jpg" width="100" height="75" border="1" style="border: 1px solid black;"></img>
MangainflueratSpelet släpptes ursprungligen i Japan och Korea för tre år sedan och skall ha upp till 30 000 samtidigt inloggade spelare. Enligt pressmeddelandet kommer MixMaster att vara gratis att spela från och med den officiella lanseringen 18 maj men kan tankas hem redan imorgon då portarna för det öppna betatestet slår upp. FZ har kommit över några nysläppta konceptbilder som närmare visar vad som väntar den som är villig att lämna Azeroths polygonklädda spelvärld.

Friday 26 April 2007 MEDIA RELEASE - SeedC Pacific will start MixMaster Online Second Beta service from 1st May 2007. MixMaster is an MMORPG (massive multiple online role playing game) game which was developed by a Japanese company, and serviced by SeedC Pacific, which is based in Sydney, Australia. MixMaster achieved incredible success in Japan and Korea, with 3000 to 30,000 users currently playing the game worldwide.

SeedC Pacific has launched the first English version of MixMaster Online. SeedC Pacific started the First Beta service from 5th April 2007.

First beta Service was a much bigger success than anticipated. From the lack of publicity and no paid marketing prior to 5 April, SeedC Pacific had assumed no more than 1000 players would register for the closed beta service. It had put a limit of 1st Beta service to 1000 testers. Unexpectedly, this number was reached within 5days of launch and SeedC Pacific was forced to raise the registered user number. They had managed to create system that could take up to 2000 users but again, this number was reached by 1week after the launch.

"Originally we anticipated that 1000 testers would be enough. We did not do any marketing what so ever, so we thought we might even struggle to find 1000 testers. We only had 5 users on the launching day" Said Jin Joo, Project Manager of MixMaster Online. "But word of mouth is scary. There were 3 or so major web forums which had recommended our game, and before we knew, over the 1st weekend, we had reached our target of 25days. The last thing we wanted was system break down. But we also did not want to push away any potential users"

In the end, SeedC Pacific had to reschedule their system capability implementation and managed to create a system that had no limit of number of registered users. This was done two weeks prior to the original schedule of 1 May.

Currently (27 April 2007), there are around 10,600 registered users from 67 countries and 6 continents. These numbers are dominated by users from Viet Nam, USA, Brazil and Australia. 70% of the users are aged from 14 to 21. With unverified age of users varying from 4 to 87.

"We are very surprised and happy about the results so far. Our product has been receiving an overwhelming popularity." Said Takuya Matsunaga, Chief Operations Officer of SeedC Pacific. "We will work very hard to sustain this success and hopefully the results will follow. We saw a massive potential in the Australian gaming market. There are passionate gamers and even more passionate creators. We would like to move forward and become the best and biggest gaming provider in Oceania, providing safe virtual playground for kids and earn solid trust from parents. But our journey has just started and it is not the time to relax yet."

MixMaster Online, official service will start on 18 May. MixMaster will continue its free play service then and will open an in game item shop then. The official release shall also provide users with several additional maps, many more in game detail as well as many quests.

Product Description

MixMaster is an anime style MMORPG aimed at teenagers. The game is completely free download and free play. From the official service, in game item shop, MixMall shall open. IN Mixmaster, the main character will be accompanied by monster companion called Henches. These Henches can be mixed to become even stronger monsters. Together with mixing, its well designed guild, communication and Player vs Player service makes it a very community friendly online game. http://www.mixmaster.com.au/