Citatet är taget från Gamesindustrys intervju med #Silicon Knights VD Denis Dyack som hävdar att vi numera inte tycker längden på spelen är en viktig faktor.
Legacy of Kain had about sixty hours of play, but games have changed. People don't want that any more. I don't care how good the game is, I don't want to play something that's one hundred hours long,
I den tudelade intervjun talar Dyack också om problemen som flera olika spelplattformar orsakar. Om han får som han ville skulle vi bara ha en maskin att spela på, vilket han tror är oundvikligt i framtiden.
It's inevitable. When mobile phones first came out they were very expensive. Now you can get them for free. As more and more people play games the value of the console diminishes. The only value in the console is in the game. If you assume the console business is a three-way war, and the console manufacturers are spending massive amounts of money to create a unique system, if no one wins this war, can all those that have spent so much money make it back? Is this worthwhile?