Dagen D för [[Day of Defeat: Source]] närmare sig snabbare än en störtbombare med mål i sikte och i samma takt släpps allt mer information och media. En forumtråd på Steam Powered innehåller såväl bilder på några tyska gossar i olika stridsmunderingar som svar på ett gäng frågor, ett exempel följer.

"Q: Since the first BETA back in February DoD: Source has changed a

great deal. We have heard from the Steam news update that the entire content of DOD: Source has been reworked and updated. What were the main reasons behind this decision?

John Morello II: The community had the largest hand in bringing about

the new changes to DoD: Source. We had a plan to release it quickly

with minimal changes, and when we showed people the progress, they let us know that they were expecting more. So we went back to the whiteboards and hacked DoD to pieces. In the process, the team quadrupled in size. No piece of the game went untouched."

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Tipstack till KingeN.