Youtube finansieras genom annonsintäkter men ska vi tro uppgifter från tidigare i år går tjänsten knappt med vinst, trots att många kreatörer såsom Pewdiepie håvar in miljoner. Därför har det länge spekulerats i att Google tittar på en alternativ modell, där användare istället kan betala en fast månadskostnad för att slippa reklamen. Enligt de senaste uppgifterna ska det lanseras redan i slutet av oktober men alla innehållsskapare är inte nöjda.

Enligt sajten Recode har dock kanalägare inte längre något val, de måste acceptera de nya villkoren innan den 22 oktober, där prenumerationsmodellen ska finnas specifierad, eller få sitt innehåll dolt. Inledningsvis verkar detta dock endast gälla i USA men gissningsvis kommer tjänsten att rullas ut på bred front.

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For years, YouTube’s fans have been telling us they want more — more choice when watching their favorite content, more ways to support their favorite creators and, above all, the option to watch their favorite videos uninterrupted.

To give fans more choice we will be launching a new ads-free version of YouTube, available to fans for a monthly fee. This service will create a new source of revenue over time that supplements your advertising revenue. That’s why an overwhelming majority of our partners — representing over 95% of YouTube watchtime — have asked for and signed up for this service.

As you heard in our previous emails, we want to ensure that fans who choose to pay for an ads-free experience can watch all the same videos that are available on the ads-supported experience. That’s why we’re asking you to update your agreement to reflect the updated terms for the ads-free service.

To accept, simply log into as “pakafka” from a desktop or laptop and follow the prompts by October 22nd.

If you haven’t signed by that date, your videos will no longer be available for public display or monetization in the United States. That outcome would be a loss for YouTube, a loss for the thriving presence you’ve built on the platform, and above all, a loss for your fans. We remain committed to working with you, as we always have. And of course, at any time, you can accept the updated terms which will make your videos public and monetizable again. Common FAQs can be found here.

We believe these new terms will greatly strengthen our partnership for the future. We went through a similar process three years ago when we began distributing and monetizing your content on mobile devices. Today, mobile represents over half of all watchtime and mobile revenue is up 2x in just the last year. Just as with mobile, we’re confident this latest update will excite your fans and generate a previously untapped, additional source of revenue for you.

If you have questions or encounter technical difficulties, we’re here to help: reach out to us for support here.

The YouTube Team