Folket på #Big Huge Games har testat det allt vanligare greppet att intervjua sig själva, på hemsidan för #Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends hittas en tvådelad intervju med spelets producent, Tim Train. Att förnya strategigenren (eller någon annan långkörare) är inte det lättaste, Train skriver så här om tanken bakom Rise of Legends.
With Rise of Legends, we were aiming to break through some of the stagnation we feel has crept into RTS. It seemed like all the fantasy settings were the same, the gameplay mechanics were starting to get a little long in the tooth, and in general the games being released played out in a similar style. Legends brings many new innovations to the RTS genre, including the fantastic magic-vs.-technology setting, the expanded single-player Conquer the World campaign, and gameplay concepts like dominances and district-based city customization.