Vi väntar på System Shock 3 från bland andra Warren Spector och storfinansierat av Starbreeze ... någon gång i framtiden. Exakt när står skrivet i de mest avlägsna stjärnorna och inte kändes väntan kortare när vi nåddes av kallduschen: System Shock-remastern läggs på is.

"Pausen på obestämd tid" är dock redan över. Nightdive har återupptagit arbetet. I en intervju med PC Gamer berättar studions business development director, Larry Kuperman:

Our intention is to ship exactly the game that was promised, with as much of the features that were promised as we can, in a timeframe that will get it out as fast as we can. Our expectation is probably Q1 of 2020.

Han talar också öppenhjärtigt om hur de hade gick vilse under utvecklingens gång:

As we geared up and started moving forward with it, we began to run into feature creep. All of those things like 'you know what would really be cool, how we might reinterpret this.' Various people wanted to put their imprint on it. As this process evolved over a period of time, it grew in complexity, and it veered away from this original representation. That doesn't mean that interpretation would've been bad, but it wouldn't have been true to the System Shock vision.