En eloge till Square Enix! De har släppt en demoversion av Octopath Traveler 2, hela två veckor innan spelet har premiär.
Men det bra slutar inte där. Demon finns till alla plattformar - pc, Switch, PS5 och PS4 - och låter dig välja en av spelets åtta hjältar. Som avrudning förs din progression över till fulla spelet om du väljer att köpa det. Bra va? Det enda klagomålet på demon är att du bara får spela i tre timmar, men det är ju ändå en del. Plocka hem demon från Steam eller från respektive konsols inbyggda butik.
Octopath Traveler 2 släpps den 24 februari. FZ:s recension läser du innan dess.
Lite om innehållet:
New and returning gameplay features and elements include:
Break & Boost Battle System – Players must act strategically to exploit enemy weaknesses to “Break” them to inflict more damage, and “Boost” their travelers to enhance their abilities.
Path Actions – Players can interact with NPCs throughout the world in various ways by using actions unique to each character, such as challenging people as the Warrior or stealing belongings as the Thief. Path Actions will vary depending on the protagonist and whether it is day or night.
Brand-New Story and Characters – Players can embark on a grand adventure in the new land of Solistia and experience the intertwined stories of eight new travelers: Hikari (Warrior), Agnea (Dancer), Partitio (Merchant), Osvald (Scholar), Throné (Thief), Temenos (Cleric), Ochette (Hunter), and Castti (Apothecary).
Day/Night Cycle – The townscapes and Path Actions available to each character will change depending on if it is night or day, creating more opportunities for exploration and discovery.
Latent Power – A new battle element in which characters can unleash a powerful ability once the ability’s gauge fills up during combat.
Crossed Paths – Additional stories will unfold between the protagonists as their journey progresses, further intertwining their narratives.