I mitten av november blev #Titan Quest officiellt på [n=16321 smällen] och nedkomsten är beräknad till årets första kvartal. Sedan dess har det varit hyfsat tyst men på GameSpot hittas en utvecklardagbok där #Iron Lores Ben Schneider berättar om expansionen #Immortal Throne:s story och miljöer.

The vast, desolate stretches of the Plains of Judgment, set among rocky peaks and gaping chasms, are nearly enough to sap even the bravest of will or hope. This is the forbidding waste that, from time immemorial, every soul has crossed to reach the Tower of Judgment, and there be judged. It is also the home of most shades--all whose lives were neither exceptionally good nor terrible. Pale shades linger here and there across the plains, over the centuries and millennia slowly losing the last trace of memory and identity, fading into empty, pale forms.