Tidigare i veckan [n=21862 annonserades] det fjärde spelet i den omtyckta Europa Universalis-serien och denna gång är temat det mäktiga Romarriket. På GameSpot besvarar producenten Johan Andersson på ett gäng frågor, däribland varför de valde just den perioden, antalet spelbara nationer och krigsenheter.

There will be more than 50 playable nations ranging from Rome itself to smaller Gallic tribes. Of course, we have nations like Carthage, Egypt, and Macedonia as well. We chose 280 BC as our starting point because there was a type of balance between several major nations at that time, and essentially any of those major nations could have created an empire similar to that of Rome. Players will have different resources, geographical locations, characters, and governments at their disposal, which will define their strengths and the capabilities of the nations.