I skenet av den katastrofala process som #The War Z inneburit drog fans av #DayZ-utvecklingen igång en Reddit-tråd där de helt enkelt säger: "Vi såg ju hur det gick med War Z, låt DayZ Standalone ta den tid som behövs". Detta inte minst efter att Dean "Rocket" Hall bakom just DayZ en period utlovat uppdateringar kring utvecklingen. Dock svarade Dean Hall i nämnda tråd, ett inlägg du kan läsa igenom antingen borta på Reddit eller i den lilla rutan nedan.

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I know I have been very quiet lately. So this will be really all I'll say for the moment.

I've been pretty depressed about the whole situation. From a personal standpoint, this whole "saga" of the development made me seriously question if I wanted to be involved in the industry and I gave serious thought to cutting my losses and not being involved in the project.

At my Army Discharge medical this week, they noted I now have high blood pressure. Some things in life just aren't worth worrying about.

I've been getting hammered by a massive amount with requests for information about DayZ release, interviews and my reactions to this and stuff and such - but for my own sanity I retreated and have kept to myself. Right now I'm just at home doing bits and pieces on the DayZ development. The rest of the DayZ team is doing the same.

I realize that I went back on my word about releasing an update, but went back into my shell for a bit last week, and I'll come out when the dust is all settled.

Kortfattat handlar det om att det tagit hårt på honom, allt vad utveckling och mediajippo heter. Det tog till och med så hårt på honom att han avvägde att hoppa av alltihopa, något han valt att inte göra utan fortsätter istället i en takt som han känner att han kan hantera. Mer information om utvecklingen kommer, allt eftersom.