Den fristående versionen av #Dayz har under sina nio månader som early access-spel fått massor av skälll från spelarna. Det utvecklas för långsamt, på fel sätt, är för dåligt och så vidare. Nu har producenten Brian Hicks tröttnat, och i ett ganska rakt inlägg i spelets forum förtydligar han att early access är något annat än ett färdigt spel.

You are not playing DayZ, you are playing development builds. Early development builds.

DayZ is 11 months into principle development, on what should be a 3 year standard development cycle. I can't force you to be a fan of DayZ, but I can call this out:

Defining or judging what DayZ is by a build so early in its development is much a kin to judging a painting within the first few brush strokes. Hell, even Bob Ross's paintings didn't look great for the first few minutes (until you realized what it was he was making).

I can promise you none of your favorite AAA games played, or even resembled the final product that early in their cycles. (Okay, maybe some of the larger titles that push small incremental updates out every 12 months - but we all know those are special snowflakes)

Take a break, and come back in beta or even the full release. The Early Access period of development will have many peaks and low, low valleys. This is the nature of software development. Yes, it is stressful as heck - for all of us, but you get to be part of shaping the DayZ experience.

For me, its worth it - for some of you, it might not be. No one can fault you for that.

Så, förvänta dig inte samma välpolerade upplevelse som med fullprisspel, utan ta en paus och återvänd närmare release, är Hicks råd. FZ:s råd är att göra som vi – testa #Unturned under tiden.