Ett par av uppdragen i #Destiny visade sig vara onödigt svåra, och i den senaste patchen sänker #Bungie svårighetsgraden. Uppdragen i fråga heter Shrine of Oryx, Sword of Crota och Exlusion Zone.

Patchen fixar också en bugg som hindrade spelare som klarade det nyligen släppta Raid-uppdraget Vault of Glass från att få loot för sitt besvär. Spelare kunde mötas av en svart skärm när uppdraget var slutfört.

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The latest patch for Destiny reduces the difficulty of a number of activities, as well as fixes issues when completing the Vault of Glass.



  • Shrine of Oryx: Reduced difficulty by removing majors from Heroic tiers

  • Sword of Crota: Reduced difficulty by removing majors from Heroic tiers

  • Exclusion Zone: Reduced difficulty by removing majors from Heroic tiers


[li]Dropping the relic at the end of the raid will no longer result in a team wipe. This will prevent players being stuck at a black screen after the raid.[/li]

[li]You will remain dead if you were dead when the mission ended. That will be addressed by a future patch.
