På fredag klockan 10:09:09 släpps version 0.9 av #Battlefield 2-modifikationen Project Reality. Redan nu kan man dock ladda hem filerna, men programmet kommer inte gå att installera förrän utvecklarna släpper lösenordet på ovanstående datum. Den senaste uppdateringen sägs vara den största hittills, och en försmak av vad som väntar hittar ni i nedanstående trailer:

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- New Features and Changes
Project Reality v0.9 is one of our largest, most featured packed releases to-date. Featuring 3 new factions, 8 new maps, an array of new assets and multiple bug fixes, we are confident that this release will improve every aspect of the game. Here is a quick rundown of the most noticeable changes:

* IDF, Canada and Hamas factions have been introduced with all their bells and whistles.
* Coop has been integrated into this version, no need to download extra files COOP is ready to go out of the box.
* 8 brand new maps specifically designed for PR game play, and many more existing maps improved.
* New vehicles, including the Chinook Transport Helicopter, MAN GB Logistics Truck and Merkava MK4 Main Battle Tank to name a few.
* New Vehicle Warfare mode focused solely on armoured combat, and updated Insurgency and CNC modes.
* Multiple bug fixes including eliminating the vehicle sound bug and the "insta-proning" CQB exploit.
* Overhaul of both the Rally Point and Deployable Asset systems.
* New and updated Squad Leader and Commander tools, giving these key roles more resources on the battlefield.
* New realistic kit geometries modeled from real gear for US Army, Russia and IDF factions, coupled with new stance animations.
* The revolutionary 3rd party 3D positional VOIP software "Mumble" is now integrated into the PR installer.

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