Sex laxar. Så mycket får du betala om du vill ha tillgång till precis allt in-gamematerial som finns i #Mass Effect 3. Beräkningen har gjorts av en kille på Han har räknat ihop kostnaden för leksaker, artbooks, deluxeutgåvor, förbokningsutgåvor, hårdvara och allt annat som ger bonusar i spelet. Den sammanlagda summan blev 870 amerikanska dollar, det vill säga drygt 5 700 kronor. Du kan se beräkningen i den infällda boxen nedan.

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Collector's Edition (needed to obtain all content):

$80 - N7 Collector's Edition

Pre-order bonuses:

AT-12 Raider - Origin pre-order bonus
Chakram Launcher - Play the Kingdoms of Alamur demo
M-55 Argus - Pre-order bonus for select retailers
N7 Weapons pack - N7 Edition bonus
N7 Hoodie - N7 Edition bonus
N7 Warfare Gear - Pre-order bonus for select retailers
Reckoner Knight Armor - Play the Kingdoms of Alamur demo
Robotic Dog - N7 Edition bonus
Squad Outfit pack - N7 Edition bonus

Auxiliary purchases:

Unannounced price for the iOS game Mass Effect Infiltrator, which can affect the main game.

$10 day one "From Dust" DLC

$44.99 for the Liara figurine - which oddly enough now comes with multiplayer unlock DLC

$24.99 for The Art of Mass Effect Universe - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$80 for four Mass Effect 3 toys - "Slightly randomized" multiplayer unlock DLC

$59.99 for the Mass Effect 3 controller - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$209.99 for the Chimera 5.1 Headset - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$34.99 for the Mousepad - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$79.99 for the Messenger Bag - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$24.99 for the iPhone case - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$79.99 for the Mouse - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

$139.99 for the Keyboard - Collector Assault Rifle unlock DLC/Powerup

Nu behöver du inte ha dåligt samvete för den där Collector's Edition som du beställde.