OPF dragon rising vapen :S

OPF dragon rising vapen :S

bara undra om nån av er har hört nåt om vapnen i operation flashpoint dragon rising har man standard vapen i början av varje uppdrag?,kan man ta upp en död motstånadares vapen?elr finns de lådor och lastbilar som i arma? och sen finns de nån hemsida som visar avpen och fordon i OPF???? isåfall länka till mig


F.E.A.R = Fuck Everything And Run


Från Wikipedia:
[info]According to Game Informer there are over 70 weapons in game, all supported by a realistic ballistics system. The weapons available in the game range from pistols and sub-machine guns to artillery and large bombs. They can be modified and equipped with optics, grenade launchers, laser sights and suppressors. The ballistics system, which simulates the effects of each weapon on buildings, vehicles, and people is based as much as possible on the real specifications of each weapon in the game (information on Chinese PLA weapons and vehicles is limited in some cases) and also takes into account flight times and effective ranges for each projectile. The balance of the weapons is not artificially created by the game developers, but was created by their real life designers. Learning the best usage of each of these weapons will be a significant part of the challenge of the game.[/info]

Reloading a weapon, placing it to the shoulder, and other combat animations have been motion captured using soldiers who have been trained to use the equipment in real life.

There are 50 different land, air and sea vehicles including helicopters, tanks, boats and APCs along with a few vehicles/weapons which cannot be used directly, but which can be called in a support role, such as fighter jets and artillery.

The developers have created large numbers of faces for the characters involved in the game. The equipment that is carried by each character is accurate and, where applicable, distinct to that character's role. For example, communication specialists can be readily identified by the radio they carry. Everything the player's squad members are carrying is visible. All of this visible information is designed to allow better command of the squad mates as the player will be able to recognize them as a person by their face or by their equipment allowing them to give the best orders to each member of the squad.


"No one will be left to prove that humans existed". - Dave Mustaine


Har nån hört nåt om demot också såg någonstans att de hade blivit framflyttat men hittade inget annat datum.


F.E.A.R = Fuck Everything And Run


Det stämmer att demot har flyttats framåt. Något datum finns inte än. En sak som är säker är att demot inte kommer att släppas innan spelets release, utan efter.


"No one will be left to prove that humans existed". - Dave Mustaine


Okej de va ju lite tråkit : \


F.E.A.R = Fuck Everything And Run


På gamespot finns ett "galleri":

Och här Du en video om Javelin. Under den finns det ytterligare information om fordon m.m.:

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