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Se upp spelkritiker, storebror spelbolag ser dig

Det visar sig att Ed Zitron, spelrecensent åt Eurogamer, har blivit episkt ägd av företaget bakom Darkfall som i sina loggar sett hur kasst han testat spelet. Företaget vill nu har en ny, "riktig" recension men eurogamer står fast vid den dem har.

Hela dramat går att läsa om här.

"The reviewer's supervisor and MMO Editor for Eurogamer spent 2 minutes in the character creator but didn't create a character. Ed Zitron spent 2 hours 33 minutes logged in the game and the character creator. In this time the reviewer tried 9 different characters. Much of the time was spent creating and deleting these characters. 14 minutes before the reviewer stopped playing Darkfall altogether he said in global chat: "how do I cast spells?". During his entire time in the game he repeatedly asks: "what do I do?" in public chat. After less than an hour logged in the game he speaks in race chat and says "this game is awful" His entire chat log shows someone biased that spent very little time in game, didn't understand even the very basics right before he stopped playing to write his review. We offered to pay to fly one of Eurogamer's IT people over here and cover all his expenses so he can also inspect all our logs, verify our claims, and see that they are practically impossible to doctor. Eurogamer refused."



"Thoughts in chaos."

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