Nyhet: Dead Space Extraction till PSN/XBL

Nyhet: Dead Space Extraction till PSN/XBL

Dead Sapce Extraction var en djärv chansning från EA att satsa på bloodig 18+ rail shooter till Wii. Det floppade rätt så hårt då Wii ägare bara bryr sig om Mario och plastplattor. Nu kommer äntligen spelet få kunna nå sin fulla potential på HD konsoller med en publik som föredrar "cinematic horror experience". Detta kommer släppas via PSn/xbl och förmodligen hamna på en prislapp på 150:- och likvärdigt värde via MS points.

Ska bli intressant och se hur stor skillnad detta blir rent grafiskt och ljudmässigt!

Källa: http://kotaku.com/5467177/dead-space-extraction-planet-cracke...

"Visceral Games' Dead Space 2 may not be the next game you play in the sci-fi franchise. Recent surveys point to an Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network port of Wii misfire Dead Space Extraction and something brand new, Planet Cracker.

One survey's description of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 port of Dead Space Extraction indicates that any planned port of the game would feature the same on-rails "guided first-person experience" gameplay, pitched as an "interactive horror experience" in "full HD." A tentative price of $15 USD was mentioned in the survey forwarded to Kotaku.

Another title, known as Planet Cracker, was potentially more interesting. Described as a "resource strategy game where players will manage a CEC Mining operation," Planet Cracker focuses players on attempting to "maximize their daily profit" and "defending their hard-won ore from Space Pirates." Sounds like Ore Tycoon aboard the USG Ishimura.

Planet Cracker was billed in the survey as an extension to the story of Dead Space 2 and could yield "in-game rewards" for the retail version of the sequel, similar to the Fable II Pub Games that preceded Lionhead's role-playing game and netted players in-game gold.

Both Dead Space Extraction HD and Planet Cracker were listed a possible incentives for Dead Space 2 that could be unlocked to those who pre-purchased the game."



- I mean gaming journalists look bad just writing about stuff, but when you put them in front of a camera...a whole new dimension of bad is created.

Nyhet: Dead Space Extraction till PS3/XB360

Fluffigt! Kanske blir till att införskaffa och lira med nån polare i vänta på DS 2.

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