Lovorden kring [[American McGee]]s senaste titel, #Bad Day L.A., har inte duggat tätt och när Gamasutra bytte ett par ord med honom var det istället nästa projekt som fick mest uppmärksamhet. Det baseras på en icke namngiven saga av bröderna Grimm men det ska ha få likheter med hans mörka Alice i Underlandet-tolkning. Istället står humorn i centrum i denna episodindelade titel.

I can say we're going back into the fairy tale world, but this isn't going to be another "dark," Alice-like game. We're going to bring a lot of humor to this new world. I can say that it's based on the world of Grimm's fairy tales and that the game will be developed and released as episodic content. We've been having a lot of fun in the pre-production on this title. It has a lot of unique ideas in it.