#Medal of Honor: Airborne kan bli spelet som ger [[Call of Duty]]-serien en värdig konkurrent i genren förstapersonspangare med andra världskrigssmak. Än är det dock ett par månader kvar innan vi får bilda oss en egen uppfattning men Worthplaying har publicerat en intervju med spelets producent, Patrick Gilmore.

Q: What is the story behind the MoH: Airborne game?

PG: The story focus of the game is on the odyssey of the Airborne forces through World War II. There are five historic operations, Husky, Avalanche, Neptune, Market Garden and Varsity. As Private Travers and Pathfinder Eddie La Pointe, you will jump into each one, playing through Italy, France and, finally, Germany following the march to Berlin that effectively ended the European campaign.

  • Operation Husky, July 10, 1943, Italy

  • Operation Avalanche, September 13 1943, Italy

  • Operation Neptune, June 6 1944, France

  • Operation Market Garden, September 17, 1944, Holland

  • Operation Varsity, March 24, 1945, Germany