Älskade du #Darwinia men saknade möjligheten att spela mot (o)vänner? #Introversion Software hör bön och annonserar idag #Multiwinia, en titel som enligt deras egna ord ska ta det bästa från strategisuccén och krydda det med flerspelarstöd. Planen är att släppa spelet under 2008 med möjlighet för både coop och matcher mot varandra.

Its been a subject of rumours for some time but we're really happy today to finally announce work on Multiwinia. Well done to all those who anticipated us in advance! Here's the press release we sent out about it today:


February 28, 2007: London

The self-proclaimed ?last of the bedroom programmers?, Introversion Software, confirmed rumours today that they are working on a multiplayer version of their hit title Darwinia for the PC. Multiwinia is currently estimated for a 2008 release and will be a whole new standalone product, combining elements of the award-winning Darwinia, with the addition of multiplayer support which will enable both co-operative and competitive battles between massive Darwinian armies. As well as the traditional single player mode, Multiwinia will offer a series of separate game modes, each with a number of unique levels offering a variety of new challenges.

?We?ve always known that Darwinia would naturally evolve into an incredible multiplayer game and right from day one I?d had visions of massive Darwinian armies converging for the ultimate Darwinian death-fest?, Chris Delay, creative director of Introversion Software said enthusiastically about the new project. ?Multiwinia will be a great game, not only for those who knew and loved Darwinia, but also for complete newcomers.?

John Knottenbelt, takes on the role of lead designer of Multiwinia, in a tactical manoeuvre that will allow Chris Delay, creative director at Introversion to begin work on other new projects. John revealed some of the exciting new changes to the multiplayer experience: ?We?ve created a new formation mode which will let you organise your Darwinians into ranks to create massive armies. In formation they?ll have greater firepower in the direction they?re facing, but virtually none from either sides or behind. It?s going to get pretty messy, requiring a whole new set of tactical skills from the gamer.?

Whilst fans of Darwinia will be pleased to note that the beautiful, fractal vista remains, the development team will also work on graphical upgrades that will ensure an even more visually incredible multiplayer experience. Multiwinia looks set to uphold, once again, Introversion?s mantra that great gameplay is not dependent on photorealistic graphics or a one-hundred strong team of artists, but a passionate commitment to original concepts and innovative design.