Ett besök hos #Matrix Games låter dig slanga hem en uppdatering till WW2-strategin #Battlefront (inget släktskap med #LucasArts snarlikt döpta shooterserie). På ändringslistan ser vi bland annat förbättrad AI, smidigare menybläddring och ökad säkerhet, och patchen tas hem via direktlänken här under.

* Improved Strategic AI enables a more flexible response to fast changing battlefields

* Improved user interface simplifies unit information

* Command and control system that rewards correct employment of military assets

* Close combat routines have special attack modes such as Banzai, Surprise and Infiltration

* Indirect Fire from artillery and air assets can directly attack enemy units

* Direct fire from AFVs can attack enemy units at range

* Counter-battery fire can eliminate enemy artillery

* Eliminated units can be rebuilt as cadres and returned to battle

* Sighting, command, supply and danger zone rules encourage sensible use of artillery

* Complete Unit, Map and AI editor allows users to create scenarios from scratch

* Improved Play By Email security