Du vet att du vill ha Monster Hunter: World. Jag vet att du vill ha Monster Hunter: World. Din katt vet att du vill ha Monster Hunter: World. Men till vilket format? Digital Foundry har testat spelet till fyra format (PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox One X) och totalt åtta olika lägen. Och vinnaren...?

För en djuplodande analys rekommenderas förstås artikeln och videon ovanför. Summa summarum slår testet fast att det högst utmärkta spelet inte riktigt når hela vägen tekniskt sett, oavsett format eller grafiska läge. Det återstår att se hur väl utvecklad höstens pc-version blir.

Overall, Monster Hunter World is a fascinating release when viewed from a technical standpoint: excellent in many respects, but just a little rough around the edges. The move to the current-gen machines has its plus and minus points: this is well-crafted game with visuals that offer a truly generational leap over anything the franchise has delivered in the past, and there's no denying that this is a handsome game – especially when rendered in the Pro and X's high resolution modes.

Either of these offer the best way to play in our opinion, but we're still some way short of what could be the definitive experience. While the inconsistent performance is entirely in line with prior games in the series, it sits uncomfortably compared to other PlayStation and Xbox titles.