Square Enix Mana-serier kommer efter 15 års vila äntligen få en uppföljare. Det verkar dock som om det kommande spelet Visions of Mana saknar ett samarbetsläge. Misströsta dock inte, Masaru Oyamada stänger nämligen inte helt dörren för ett framtida co-op-läge. Så här sa Masaru till Pcgamer.

"When I played Secret of Mana, the multiplayer co-op mode was something that really stood out and left a strong impression on me."

"So when we were proposing this game internally, and discussing what it should be, we actually had that discussion on whether we should incorporate a feature like that."

"I myself really do cherish and have fond memories of being able to go on one single adventure with your friends and clear things together. I know what that experience is like, and I do want to consider being able to implement features like that in the future.”

Förutom Secret of Mana så fanns möjligheten till lokalt samarbete i Trials of Mana, Legend of Mana och Children of Mana. Det ska dock nämnas att remaken av Trials of Mana inte hade co-op.

Visions of Mana släpps under året till PS4, PS5, Xbox Series och PC.