Det tog kanske lite längre tid än vad många hade trott men nu är den fristående versionen av #Dayz släppt på Steams Early Access-program. "Er chans att uppleva Dayz medan det föds fram ur utvecklingsprocessen" meddelar frontmannen Dean Hall på den officiella hemsidan. Alltså, betala för att testa alpha-versionen i väntan på spelet släpps på riktigt.

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  • Chernarus - 230 sq. km chunk of post soviet state, featuring deep forests, cities, villages, abandoned military bases, and more..

  • Up to 40 players per server

  • Persistent player profile - Key player data is persistent across all servers.

  • Inventory – Combine various clothing items, equipment and carry all of the items that you will need to survive the harsh new environment in the open and intuitive inventory system developed to answer the needs of crafting and character customization.

  • Crafting - In the apocalyptic world of DAYZ, resources are sparse and every useful bit should be utilized. Items or equipment can be improved, turned into something else or fixed using the new crafting mechanisms.

  • Weapon customization – Use customizable firearms with authentic ballistics and weapon characteristics as well as melee weapons to protect yourself against all the dangers a survivor may face.

  • Customizable clothing – Customize your survivor with a multitude of new clothing items that can be scavenged from the remnants of civilization, which provide various degree of protection against the elements, infected, and other survivors.


DAYZ is currently in early alpha and we see a lot of work ahead of us in order to make it the true authentic multiplayer experience we want it to be. Current version is including only small subset of game mechanics and serves mostly as test bed with core technology that should serve as basis for future additions and improvements. Currently planned key future features are:

[li]Playable vehicles[/li]

[li]Wide variety of native animal life[/li]

[li]Player created constructions in the environment[/li]

[li]Extensive interactions with the environment and crafting options[/li]

[li]Streamlined user actions and interface[/li]

[li]Upgraded graphics and physics engine (including ragdoll, etc.)[/li]

[li]Control and animations expanded and improved for fluidity[/li]

[li]Support of user mods
