I början av nästa månad landar #Medal of Honor: Airborne, den senaste instansen i denna tämligen långlivade andravärldskrigsserie. Men redan på torsdag nästa vecka, den 23 augusti, släpps ett första smakprov i form av en demo till pc och Xbox 360 (alltså ingen Playstation 3-variant än, gissningsvis för att premiärdatumet för dess fullversion är satt till november).

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Get ready to get airborne! On August 23, parachute into combat with EA's demo release of Medal of Honor Airborne for the PC and Xbox 360 videogame and entertainment system. The Xbox 360 demo will be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and the PC version will be available on the official Medal of Honor website.

Demo Mission: Operation Husky
A joint allied operation into the island of Sicily, Operation Husky follows Boyd Travers and the 82nd Airborne on their first combat jump on July 11, 1943. After securing and sabotaging four anti-aircraft guns, Boyd is sent to rendezvous with a group of Airborne paratroopers at the edge of the village. Here, they run into the German Heer army, who is attempting to recapture the village from the Airborne. Boyd must push to the end of this small hamlet, eliminating Germans along the way, then find a sniper rifle and eliminate the German commander. He's successful, but not before the commander has successfully called in reinforcements.