Skrivet av Hannu87:

Jag har inte fått ner klienten än, började ladda ner igår efter jobbet kl 15. Går så satans segt, och så sitter man på 100mbit. Deras servrar är anus. iaf, jag har inte lirat sen dom fixat Desync problemet, så får se hur spelet känns. Bör väl vara klart imon.

Kolla så du har ställt in launchern rätt och öppnat rätt portar. Annars kan man ladda ner patcharna med ett annat torrentprogram vilket gett högre hastigheter för vissa. Torrentfilerna ligger under patches i MO mappen.

Skrivet av Gustavb:

Någon som lirar detta nu? Måste säga att jag är imponerad av deras release. Jovisst, servern krashade till och från, men fick många grymma speltimmar igår utan något lagg eller gamebrytande buggar.

Nu (dag2) är lite värre då servern mer eller mindre åker ned stup i kvarten men SV jobbar på så det kommer antagligen inte vara såhär länge till.

Förövrigt så var releasen _mycket_ bättre än i alla andra MMORPG's som jag har lirat innan.

+1 helt enkelt.
Idag har stabiliteten varit bättre med längre uptime. Får se hur det går nu på kvällen och senare när fler amerikanare kommer in.

Skrivet av Hannu87:

Jag har inte fått ner klienten än, började ladda ner igår efter jobbet kl 15. Går så satans segt, och så sitter man på 100mbit. Deras servrar är anus. iaf, jag har inte lirat sen dom fixat Desync problemet, så får se hur spelet känns. Bör väl vara klart imon.

Testa att öppna nedladdningen i valfri torrentprogram, går mycket snabbare för mig iallafall.

Nvm, Rescu hann före


Jag tycker att launchen var kanska bra, förutom alla krasher. Och det känns skönt att äntligen få komma igång ordentligt med spelet. Då jag började lira redan i Block A och har säkert haft över 30 karaktärer innan release.
Så nu gäller det bara att guilden kommer igång med metal produktionen så är man i stort sett klar att gå ut och pvp:a.


Näfan, desync problem fortfarande. Nej tack.


jag har inte haft ett enda desync problem...

Skrivet av Kraver:

jag har inte haft ett enda desync problem...

Det är pga att dem löst det problemet. Hannu87 har väl problem med lagg och ansér det vara "desync"


Jag måste säga att MO är riktigt kul att spela. I PvP så dunkar hjärtan nästan ut ur bröstkorgen som om man slogs för sitt liv. Bättre verklighets känsla än i något annat MMO, detta tack var FPV och den "realism-nivå" dom lagt spelet på. Det är full loot så det gör ont att dö, men en seger är desto ljuvligare och man belönas.

Stridern är mer realistisk än i alla andra MMOs. Man spammar inte bara 30 attacker stillastående eller hoppande runt fienden, nä man agerar som man skulle ha gjort i verkligheten. Man står på några meters avstånd beredd på att agera på fiendens attacker och samtidigt förbereder sig på att själv snabbt ta tre kliv frammåt och utdela några hugg för att sedan retirera några meter bakåt för att samla kraft och undvika fiendens attacker.

MO har riktigt många och bra lösningar på feats som dynamisk crafting, taming etc ...

Man kan bygga hus, palisader, broar och keeps. Nätterna är mörka och grottorna kolsvarta och man måste använda fackla.

Så här kul har jag inte haft på länge, trots en del buggar. Men buggar kommer dom att fixa. Jag tror att detta kommer att bli en klassiker. Man blir lite stolt att det dessutom är svenskar som utvecklar detta.


Blizzer summera MO väldigt bra, kan inte annat än att hålla med.

Edit: Någon som har koll på om det finns några svenska guilds i MO?
Kände att det är dax att fixa en guild då det oftast är mycket roligare att lira med folk än att springa omkring ensam.


Ta en liten titt i Recsu's signatur så är du en bit på väg.

signatur | Ditt ljus i MMO-mörkret

Skrivet av Gustavb:

Blizzer summera MO väldigt bra, kan inte annat än att hålla med.

Edit: Någon som har koll på om det finns några svenska guilds i MO?
Kände att det är dax att fixa en guild då det oftast är mycket roligare att lira med folk än att springa omkring ensam.

Som ovan sade. Valhalla.
Sen finns det guilder där några Svenskar är med såsom Aegis Imperium (Scream är med där) samt ökända Myrmidon har någon svensk är med i.


Finns nog svenskar lite överallt men är det en svensk guild du letar efter så är vad jag vet Valhalla den ända. Och en djävligt bra guild också


Ny patch kommer snart. Vi får patch notes på tisdag. Bug/performance/balance fixar, nya feats, mer mobs, mine/lumberjack noder tar slut, ny upgradering för byggnader och mycket mer. Patchen kommer att innehålla följande:

Dear community.

We just wanted to give everyone an update regarding our upcoming patch.

We have been working hard on our next patch that I’m really looking forward to deploy and I think lots of people will enjoy it.

We plan to go live with this patch on Tuesday 29th of June if things go smooth with testing etc.

After lots of feedback and discussions we have gone through it carefully and found some major bugs within our systems such as some skills, ranged and some other important features.

What this patch includes are server crash fixes, performance improvement on both server side and client side. Changes to some skills and books, lots of pets and mount bug fixes, weight bugs and lots of other bugs that been submited on our bug tracker.

Archery will finally work as it’s designed to work as. At last its fixed for you archer users out there! We even added one more thing for archery which should make it even more interesting and added strategic.

New creatures in the world of Nave, we got some special book vendors in their proper locations in the world.

Attribute changes, a logic update to make attribute more balanced.
Magic updates for some bugs and hopefully EQ to work again. As I once said to answer those who said there is mostly khurite/thursar builds with maxed X attributes is now even more important to balance the stats correctly depending on play style. Both from magic and attribute change balance.

Houses should get an module upgrade many have been waiting for a long time, if things goes as plans.

Depleatable nodes with a really nice dynamic system tied to all the resources in the world are also finished and are being tested.

Keep slots, palisades and pickables are also getting a small update. We are also tweaking the logout issues when pvping to prevent "cowards" to escape by insta turning of the game and get away.
We are also looking into our parry skill and shields to make it more useful.

The list goes on but I think I will stop here.
I would also like to make it clear to everyone that any feature/fix I described above may be changed or not make it in the patch for Tuesday but we are on schedule so far and its looking good. But I think it would be good with an update and that you guys know what’s under the way and coming next.

Keep an eye out for the long patch note on Tuesday if everything goes as planned.


Eftersom jag spelar som Archer så ser jag framimot denna patch väldigt mycket


Ny patch har kommit.


Version – Release

Patch Size: ~190 MB

Notice: We can't stress this enough. When the launcher is running the patch installer, let it run its course. It will take some time to apply the patch and it might seem like the installer is doing nothing, but it is working. If you reboot or kill the patcher process you run the risk of corrupting you installation, forcing you to do a full reinstall.

------ FEATURES ------
- Depleting nodes (Trees and Rocks) are now implemented. The trees and rocks will not disappear when depleted, they re-spawn materials over time.
- Constructible Crafting Workbenches are now implemented. Skilled Engineers can now construct Armor, Bow, Shield and Weapon workbenches in houses.

------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------

- Rebuilt and rebalanced most of the armor defense calculations including calculations for shields.
- It now takes 40 seconds to log out when you are not in a guard-zone.
- You will now load other players even when they are far away.
- Handle-hits have been tweaked and should not occur as often.
- You no longer get a timer when you press 'Use' without a valid target.
- Tweaked some update settings on the server side to give you more fluid updates.
- Your weapons will now lose durability when you hit NPCs.
- Your weapons will now lose durability when you hit houses.
- Several books have been removed from the official libraries.
- Special Library vendors have been added in several locations both in towns and in the wild.
- Armor, Bow, Shield and Weapon workbench blueprints have been added to the workbench vendors.
- Armor, Bow, Shield and Weapon workbench construction skill books have been added to the official libraries.

AI & Mounts:
- Shore Prowers and River Prowers added to the world.
- For tamers to increase the taming knowledge, they now need to find creatures that are within their skill level of taming. Its no longer possible to gain any taming skill experience on creatures that are too low for your skill level.
- A tamers pet should now always appear at the last position it was located before a server reboot.
- Its no longer possible to gain creature control skill when issuing pet commands. There are now books for Creature Control skill all the way to max level.
- Aggressive and Passive mindsets does now require a certain skill level in creature control for each creature.
- Pets that are either newly tamed or transfered should now always have the defensive mindset as default.
- Pets will now more correctly handle mindset changes.
- When pets gets discouraged from a battle, they will change into a passive mindset.
- Pets should now generally be braver and their courage only affected by their current target, their own state and the support of their tamer.
- Already discouraged pets should now avoid to start attack at all, even if they are commanded to do so.
- Removed white spaces in pet messages.
- Message added to the tamer when transferring their pet to another player.
- You now have a base chance to not get knocked down when you get run into by a horse.
- Mounts now take 10 damage each time you run into another player causing a knockdown.
- Risars will now drop much less materials and more coins.

Art & Sound:
- An expedition camp can be found in the jungle.
- Closed Huergar gate added near Nereb Madgulu.
- Part of the northern mountain area has got a graphical update.
- New spider cave ambiance added.
- Palisades added around one more keep. More keeps will be getting palisades later on.
- Bushes that are great for hiding in have been added ( /b/ ).
- Clouds will now spawn higher and are darker at night.
- Increased the streaming distance in the Jungle (It feels more like a jungle now).

- Houses now take less damage from attacks.
- Palisades will now become visible from further away.

- Reagents will now be consumed even if you fizzle.

Skills & Attributes:
- When you increase or decrease points in attributes and skills you will now get a message about this in your chat log.
- Constitution now gives less Movement speed than Dexterity.
- Constitution now gives less Carry Ability than Strength.
- Material lore knowledge now adds to gathering yields.
- Concentration now gives you a 50% chance to avoid interrupt while being hit and casting magic.
- Knockdown resistance now gives you more resistance against getting knocked down.
- Blocking now gives you more resistance against getting knocked down (when blocking).
- A few new books for Material Lore can now be found.
- Fixed a bug that caused Mounted Archery to calculate the wrong amount of damage.
- Tweaked/Fixed the stamina-impact that the following skills have:
- Sprinting
- Blocking Endurance
- Combat Maneuvering
- Swimming
- Feint
- Controlled Riding
- Combat Movement

- You can now open/close UI windows while auto-running without stopping.
- Quantity numbers now have a black outline to make them easier to read.

------ BUG FIXES ------

- Fixed the issue causing Red Flagged players turning Blue when entering keeps/houses.
- Fixed an issue with the murder count decrease timer. Its now functions as intended again.
- Possible fix for Weather Runaway Loop.
- Fixed an issue that prevented you from re-creating a character with the same name as a character you just deleted.
- Fixed an issue that prevented selling items with a full inventory from functioning as intended.
- Weight will now update properly when looting items.
- Weight will now update properly when splitting items.
- Fixed the issue that only gave you one torch/axe/sword when buying multiples of these items from the vendor.
- Fixed bandages so they actually heal you now.

AI & Mounts:
- Pets should no longer automatically be set to Passive mindset when taken out of a stable.
- Pets that lose all loyalty while their tamer is offline should now properly abandon their owner.
- Tamers should now properly be cleared of any pet data when transferring pets to other players.
- It should now at all times be possible to tame new creatures after having stabled a pet. It should no longer display that the tamer already has a pet.
- Bugs solved for pets that were Passive and set to attack and did not stop attacking when getting discouraged.
- Built Loyalty should now keep between mounting and dismounting for riders that have no taming skill.
- Pets should now be able to attack a tamers fellow guild members without getting them or their tamers flagged for it.
- It should no longer be possible to gain combat skill experience on pets.

Art & Sound:
- Fixed a few known stuck locations.
- Graphical issues fixed throughout Myrland.
- Night ambiance is back.
- Fixed a bug where raindrops were facing the wrong direction.
- Fixed some performance issues in Meduli.

- Fixed a bug that would use materials when attempting to craft items with a full inventory.

- Fixed a crash caused by attempting to lock chests in unfinished constructions.

- A spell caster should now be able to cast spells on targets close by. Spell casting aiming should now generally work better.
- It should now work better to cast spells while being mounted.
- Mind Blast will now correctly Flag the caster.
- Magic resistance messages are now displayed correctly.

Ranged Combat:
- Fixed a major calculation error that caused Bows to do very low to no damage vs armor.

Skills & Attributes:
- Primary skill point pool should now sum up correctly to 1000.
- Fixed an issue that caused skills to duplicate themselves. (Active Regeneration x9 anyone? )
- Skills should no longer reset to lower levels when traversing nodes or re-logging.
- Books should now give the correct message when you don't have high enough level to read them.
- Fixed a bug that displayed the amount of damage a player was dealing even though they did not have the Damage Assessment skill.
- Fixed an issue that incorrectly calculated the amount of starting attributes.
- Fixed an issue that prevented gathering of materials with a full inventory.
- Fixed an issue that allowed gathering to continue when exiting combat mode.
- Fixed an issue that allowed gathering to continue even though you were not facing the node.
- Fixed an issue that caused Advanced Engineering to gain more experience then intended.
- You will now stop Resting if you take damage from magic.

- The trade window will once again display the names of the players performing the trade.
- The Target Window will now correctly update flag and health changes without having to re-target the target.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to remove items from the trade window without the accepted trade getting canceled. An accepted trade will get unaccepted if either player changes the items in the trade window.
- The Shift and Enter key can no longer be rebound in the key bindings window.
- Fixed a bug that did not allow Arrows to stack properly once split. They now stack up to 100, but only 25 can be equipped at a time, as intended.

------ KNOWN ISSUES ------
- Sticky Weapons are still being worked on. It will get patched asap.
- Crossing nodes with pets on follow is being worked on.
- The items turning into ??? issue is being worked on.
- Missing attributes points are being worked on.

* The missing bankers in meduli will be added in the morning, at the same time we will be doing some database-maintenance that should speed up the database access.


Ytterligare patcher har kommit med bug fixes och mycket annat och med intressanta nyheter. Dom två senaste är ...

Egenskaper runt Etherworld har adderats som kommer att göra döden i sig till ett äventyr. Mycket mer kommer att byggas kring detta. Detta kommer att bli riktigt coolt. Mycket annat lades till också:


- Added the "get up" animation for when your soul raises from your corpse in the Etherworld.

- Added new features to the Etherworld:
When you die and enter the Etherworld, your Mana power-bar will display your current Kau (energy). The amount of Kau you have is dependent on your Psyche. (Please note that using the Mana bar for this is temporary, and please note that Mana and Kau are calculated differently.)

You now move faster and jump higher in the Etherworld, your movement ability is determined by your Psyche.

The living can't see you when you are in the Etherworld, you can't hear them, and you can no longer talk to them.

When pressing X while in Etherworld you will manifest in the world of the living. This gestalt is called your Akh. The ghost-like Akh will be visible to the living, and your sight will be slightly improved. While being manifested in Akh-form, your Kau will be drained. When you run out of Kau your Akh will disappear.

While manifested you can try to contact the living by talking (using the chat). However to be able to understand you the living must have the skill Spiritism (a new magic school which will be expanded more in the near future). A Spiritist will be able to interpret your voice, the higher the Spiritism, the more he will be able to understand.

A Spiritist can extend his knowledge of the Etherworld with the skill Akh Manifestation. This skill will let the Spiritist manifest his own Akh for longer, regain Kau faster, and also be able to interpret and listen to the voice of the living.

Messages sent from the Etherworld will show up in grey and have [ether] as their channel-name.


Thievery och basic guild warefare aktiverat. Stulna föremål är märkta som tjuvgods. Man kan nu göra Counter Attacks. Samt mycket annat:


- The Thievery-system has been revamped and is now activated again.
Stealing is a lot harder now than in comparison to beta. The ammount of items you try to steal (stack size) now adds to the risk/failure chance as well as the weight of course. The weight penalty has also been increased.
Your targets INT-value now also plays a large role in the success of your theft (targets INT high = greater chance of being detected).
With the new system a new flag for stolen items is being introduced. All stolen items are flagged as stolen [s] for 2 minutes. A stolen item can't be traded, sold, banked or destroyed.
If the thief DIES with a stolen item in his inventory this item will be marked as [s] for stolen, picking up stolen items will flag you grey and the 2min timer will reset.
If the rightful owner picks up the item he/she will not see the stolen [s] flag and thus will not be flagged for retrieving his property.

- The core-version of the guild warfare (war declaration) system is now implemented again.
War can be declared from the dimplomacy menue at your guild stone. Currently war has to be agreed to by both parties. This is temporary - we need to see the functionality of the core system on a larger scale so expect multiple additions/changes to this system!
To be clear: Yes, you will be able to declare ware on ppl without their consent in the future - for now it's mutual.
We are also saving data on win/loss record and other battle related data already. This is currently not displayed but will in the future."

"- Counter attacks are now in-game.
Counters can be initiated when you are blocking and get a perfect-block (his weapon arc hits your weapon/shield). Clicking L-Mouse just after a perfect block (timing!) will give you a 20% boost to your damage and will give weakspot hits if you are lucky and stabbing.

- An extra sound will now be audible when you hit with the "1sec hold" release. Thus you now recognise when you achieve a "full-hit".


Star Vault patchar en gång per vecka nu.


finns det en trial om man vill testa detta?




Soulless, svar nej. Du måste köpa MO.

Just nu är det i och för sig 20% sommarrabatt på priset. Kolla höger på siten:


Idag informerade Star Vault om dom kommande patcherna och vad vi kan förvänta oss. Flera efterlängtade intressanta features:


Content preview of the next 3 patches.
Please keep in mind that these are NOT the complete patchnotes.

2nd of August:
* Thievery balances and fixes
* Combat balances and fixes
* Emotes (including "sit")
* Player crafting recipes
* Upkeep for buildings (re-)enabled
* Guild tags, toggleable identification
* Change to war decleration system

9th of August:
* Deployable extracting
* Deployable camping sites
* Mount equipment (bags and armor)
* Combat special moves
* Player vendors
* Banners & Guild Tabards
* Destructible spawners

16th of August:
* Territory control
* Rare boss spawn (not an epic creature)

Coming features/content:
* New UE build (visual improvements, possibility of Speedtree 5.2, improved AI)
* High res textures
* Complete overhaul of current GUI/UI. Adding flash support
* Crafting system finalized (weapon, armor and bow)
* Item system finalized
* Magic system in spell book system, 2 complete schools
* Finalizing dungeons and different locations in Myrland
* AI finalizing for common mobs/NPCs
* Destructible doors, chests
* Finalizing FFA structures, destructible
* Skinning/butchery


Guild Forsaken har byggt en borg här är en screenshot:


Funderar på att börja spela detta spelet eller Darkfall. Förstår att MO är väldigt buggigt och att DF är mycket längre utvecklat. Tror att MO kommer bli ett bättre spel i slutändan men det verkar vara en väldigt lång väg dit. Hade väll kunnat köra DF så länge men vad jag förstått så är dom som spelat ett tag där nu så långt ifrån alla nybörjare nu då det inte finns något cap på hur många skills man kan maxa att det skulle ta 2-3 månader att ens kunna börja PvP mot dom och en ha en lite chans att vinna.

Vad säger ni som testat båda spelen? Eller ni som kör MO nu? Kan man börja spela MO nu och ha skoj?


Det är många som har skoj redan idag. MO utvecklas helt klart i rätt riktning och blir bättre för varje patch. Patch levereras numera 1 gång i veckan.

På måndag kommer en intressant patch som adderar flera bra feats som jag skrev om ovan som får stor påverkan på gameplay. T.ex. player vendors, combat special moves och mount bags etc ...

Lyssna här på denna intervju från MO radio med en guild leader från Forsaken. Dom som byggde borgen ovan ... ger en bild av MO ...


Ska ta och testa, va fan har bränt cash många gånger på MMO's som större bolag har gjort som man sedan spelat 1 månad och slutat, då kan jag lika bra ge lite cash till en indie utvecklare också

Har läst en del på MO forumet men hittar dåligt med info hur man kommer "igång" med spelet.

Ålder på karaktärer vad har det för skillnad? Man kan välja om jag förstår det rätt vilka ens förfäder var också, vad gör det för skillnad? Vill göra en melee fighter. Men eftersom jag börjar från scratch kanske det är bra med nån gathering skill med? Eller kan man tjäna cash till utrustning på att farma mobs?

Riktigt komplicerat med alla skills, men det är roligt, gillar det. Ska inte vara så jävla lätt som det är på alla MMO's nu för tiden, skoj att utforska skillsen. Bara svårt att komma igång, vill ju helst inte behöva deleta och rerolla pga att man fattade nada när man skapa gubben.

Såg att man kan ställa in size också, vad gör det för skillnad?


Gör en ren figher karaktär och en ren crafter karaktär så dom blir bra på en sak. Du kan om du vill göra en combo men då kommer du aldrig att bli bra på någondera.

Ju högre ålder desto högre int men lägre str, typ. Man ser det när man skapar karaktären. Du kan välja vilka raser dina far/mor föräldrar var ... det påverkar vad du får för initial stats samt vad du maximalt kan ha på str dex int osv ...

Vill du gå med i en guild kan du hitta dom som söker här.

Gör du en melee fighter så farma mobs. Pigs, weasel till att börja med. Ger start kapital. Sedan Gazells och wisent ger mycket mera osv ...

Bra start ställe är Meduli, Fabernum eller Vadda kanske.


Har inte hängt med det här spelet, bara sett första trailern. Har spelet kommit ut än, eller är det i closed/open beta stadie?

Och kanske viktigast av allt, har spelet månadsavgift?


Game long and prosper


Ja det är släppt och ja det kostar per månad. Det är som att spela en beta kan jag säga dig dock.


Så spelet är inte så värst bra med andra ord? :/


Game long and prosper


Det är många som har kul i spelet redan idag även om nog alla ser att mer måste läggas till innan det känns "helt" färdigt. Fler monster och lite mer feats (kommer dock nästa vecka), förutom bugfixes.

Det sagt, Mortal Oline, har en mycket stor potential och har något ritkgit bra på gång.

Dom har gjort flera riktigt bra lösningar, vad gäller melee, crafting etc ... även om allt kan poleras lite till.

Det är helt klart värt att hålla ögonen på och om man gillar den typ av äventyrs spel MO är (med full loot, FpV och ingen handhålling t.ex. mörka nätter och grottor och ingen minimap/map = man kan gå vilse, man kan bygga borgar/hus/broar och öppna egna affärer) så kan man stödja projektet genom att köpa spelet.

Många är fanatiska i spelet och har spelat spelat i över 1 år och fortfarande spelar dom typ 15 timmar per dag.

Spelet är i mitt tycke bra (bortsett från en del buggar) och är kul redan nu men har enorm potential.


Det är lika bra att lägga alla korten på bordet, annars kommer du bara bli sjukt missnöjd. Det är buggat, frustrerande och långt ifrån färdigutvecklat.

Ändå kan jag inte sluta spela. Mitt första MMO var Ultima Online och detta spelet kan man säga är UO fast i first person view. Inte en enda utvecklare har vågat att göra ett nytt UO bara för det är ganska "hardcore". Dom satsar hellre på att det ska vara lätt att spela så vilken ungdjävel som helst ska köpa det.

Utifrån det får du själv göra din uppfattning om du ska köpa eller ej. Men om du har ont om pengar och bara har till att köpa ett enda spel så hade jag satsat på något av alla dom andra nya bra spelen som görs nu för tiden, inget MMO dock alla dom suger! Har du dock pengar över så köp MO, så om du kanske sen inte tycker om det så har du i alla fall hjälpt en liten indie utvecklare att skapa ett MMO som inte är som alla andra.


Ny patch. En efterlängtad patch!

Patch notes (jag inkluderar inte bug fixarna här. Läs om det själva):



- Overall performance increase (30% on our test systems).

- Player-vendors are now added to the game.

- Destructible spawners are now in Myrland. These can be destroyed to rid the land of their creatures, though some may be daring enough to move back after some time.

Spoiler for A brief explanation:
The overall speed of melee swings was taken down a little bit.

- Took down the overall movement-speed a bit.

- Stamina cost for sprinting slightly increased.

- Optimized the loading of the login-gui.

- Added support for mount-equipment. To use these new items simply right-click them while you have a mount and wait a bit. Mount-equipment sometimes needs to be put on in a special order.
(For example: first a saddle, then a decorative plaid). If the equipment doesn't fit your current mount you will get a message telling you so. This equipment can be bought from vendors.

- Added "Combat-moves system". Currently we added just a single new combat move (SpearStance). New moves will be added on a regular basis now that the system is in place.

- Added combatmove: SpearStance, this excellent tactical move can only be executed while you are carrying a spear. It will make you place your spear on the ground leaving you open for attacks but if you anybody runs into the tip of the spear while the skill is being exectued he/she/it will take damage (based on their speed). Mounts will take a even greater amount of damage from this move.

- Portable Gear Vendors have arrived to Myrland.

- Mount Equipment Vendors have arrived to Myrland.

- Campfire-kit added to Portable Gear Vendor.

- Steppe horse with saddle added.

- Steppe horse with leather armor added.

- Bullhorse with saddle added.

- Donkey with bags for transportation is added.

- Bullhorses now regenerates 4 hp/minute instead of 0 hp/minute.

- Jotun horses now regenerates 4 hp/minute instead of 0 hp/minute.

- Mogrel horses now regenerates 4 hp/minute instead of 0 hp/minute.

- Desert horses now regenerates 4 hp/minute instead of 0 hp/minute.

- Donkeys now regenerates 2 hp/minute instead of 0 hp/minute.

- Horse leather armor (Steppe horse only atm) can be bought in the colours red, blue, green, yellow, black, white and grey.

- Bull Horse Saddle added to Mount Equipment Vendor in Gaul´Kor.

- Steppe Horse Saddle added to Mount Equipment Vendor in Khurite Villages and Morin Khur (also available in white, grey, black, red, blue, green and yellow.)

- Donkey Saddle added to Mount Equipment Vendor in Fabernum, Meduli & Kranesh.

- Donkey Bags added to Mount Equipment Vendor in Fabernum, Meduli & Kranesh.

- Reduced base speed of all horses by 10%.

- Horses with saddle get a 10% boost in speed.

- Horses with armor got a higher defense ratio.


- Took down the combat-movement speed a bit.

- Increased the chance to avoid being knocked down.

- Increased the amount that "Knockdown Resistance" adds to this chance.

- Increased the amount that "Blocking" adds to this chance, if you are blocking.

- Rebuilt parts of the resistance chance when you get knocked down by a horse. It's now more based on the size/weight of the horse rather than your skills alone.


- Portable Crusher added to Portable Gear Vendor.

- Portable Grinder added to Portable Gear Vendor.

- Portable Grizzly added to Portable Gear Vendor.

Art & Sound:

- Grinders in Myrland have got a new ambience sound.

- Grizzlys in Myrland have got a new ambience sound.

- Crushers in Myrland have got a new ambience sound.

- Challenge war sound added.

- Reject war proposal sound added.

- Accept war proposal sound added.

- End war sound added.

- A smal area north of the mining camp has been going trough some changes.

- A sealed cave opening has been seen north of the mining camp.

- Myrland Global Water Mesh optimized.

- City light added by the Meduli equerry.

- New combat idle sounds for wolves added.

- The terrorbirds are now correctly spatialized.

- The terrorbirds are now calling to each other from a great distance.

- A distant wolfhowl from dire wolves spawners will now reveal their position at night.

Destructable spawners låter mycket intressant för att skapa en dynamisk föränderlig värld.

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