Hjälp med skolarbete - undersökning spel och innehål

Hjälp med skolarbete - undersökning spel och innehål

Hi, I will write the rest in English because my Swedish isn't too good (maybe you noticed in the headline!)

I'm writing a paper for my project at Copenhagen Business Academy and have a survey about games, gaming habits and social media and thought this community would naturally the best place to get educated answers! The subject is content and how publishers/developers can improve their community management. The survey is of course anonymous and non-identifying.

If you have 5 minutes of extra time could you take my survey? It's in the Google Docs link below.

Thank you in advance, your help really matters!



Playing right now: Minecraft, CS:GO

I'm a student of game, please excuse my bad Swedish :)

Just an immediate reaction, the GIFS and images in your survey are distracting and there is a very real possibility that they affect the responses you get and in turn, your final results. What was your thinking behind putting those in? I can understand it if you're on gymnasium level, but not if the paper is university level.

And another thing, the choices on the "At what time of the day are you active (e.g. browsing) on social media?" question are kinda strange. I would guess most people are active during the entire day, not only between 07-12 or 12-15. And there's no way to choose that I'm active between 16-17...


i7 4790k | 16GB DDR3 | GTX 1070


I agree with the above answer. The pictures didn’t improve the survey.

And then about that specific meme-picture you asked about. That one wasn’t fun at all, even tho other memes certainly are! So it wasn’t a great example if it was meant to be funny. Well, that’s my opinion at least. You can try to post it on 9gag or similar and see if other people find it funny.

If you want to find out if people think memes are funny, maybe you shouldn’t have any pictures at all? Otherwise the pictures provided may be what’s being scored, not memes in general.


”A man with a conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point. [fortsättning]


Thank you everyone for your help and Hanzo and TotalWarPlayer (how do you ping people here?) for the constructive criticism, like I said everything helps.


Playing right now: Minecraft, CS:GO

I'm a student of game, please excuse my bad Swedish :)

Skrivet av StudentOfGame:

Thank you everyone for your help and Hanzo and TotalWarPlayer (how do you ping people here?) for the constructive criticism, like I said everything helps.

You can ping person thru typing an @ before there names, like @StudentOfGame, and if they have space in there username you can typ there name like this "Name And Another Name"

Skrivet av anon_31000:

You can ping person thru typing an @ before there names, like @StudentOfGame, and if they have space in there username you can typ there name like this "Name And Another Name"

Ah I tried that and nothing popped up so I assumed it didn't work. Should have just posted in hindsight lol - cheers!


Playing right now: Minecraft, CS:GO

I'm a student of game, please excuse my bad Swedish :)

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