Vi gillar alla att spela på olika sätt. Personligen är jag en värdelös sniper och väljer därför oftast en klass som tål lika mycket stryk som den kan dela ut. Det är inte så konstigt att chefredaktör Bennet kallar mig Quake-Calle. I #Overwatch, actionspelet som #Blizzard chockannonserade igår, finns det inledningsvis hela tolv unika karaktärer att välja mellan (fler kommer!) och alla presenteras genom sin egen video. Glo på alla och rösta på sista sidan på vem du tror blir din favorit.


Lena Oxton (call sign “Tracer”) was one of Overwatch’s youngest and most promising pilots when an accident during a test flight left her lost in time. Only by wearing a chronal accelerator is Tracer able to stay anchored in the present. The device also allows her to manipulate her own time, speeding it up and slowing it down at will.

Armed with twin pulse pistols, energy-based time bombs, and rapid-fire banter, Tracer is able to “blink” through space and rewind her personal timeline as she battles to right wrongs the world over. "


Some speak of a black-robed terrorist known only as the Reaper. While his true identity and motives are a mystery, what is known is that where he appears, death follows. An extremely volatile mercenary, Reaper has been responsible for attacks across the globe, and some now believe he is hunting former Overwatch agents and systematically eliminating them.

With his twin Hellfire shotguns and ability to move unscathed through the shadows, Reaper is one of the world's deadliest threats.


A super-intelligent, genetically engineered gorilla, Winston is a brilliant scientist and champion for humanity's potential. After spending several years working as a scientist for Overwatch, Winston has gone into seclusion since its fall, cut off from the world he believes in, longing for the days of heroism to return.
Winston wields impressive inventions on the battlefield—including a short-ranged Tesla cannon, jump pack, and portable shield projector. But his most powerful weapon can only be unleashed by embracing his animal nature.


Once a frontline combatant in the devastating Omnic Crisis, the curious battle automaton known as “Bastion” now explores the world, fascinated by nature but wary of a fearful humanity. Though Bastion appears to be gentle—even harmless, at times—its core combat programming takes over when the unit senses danger, utilizing its entire arsenal to eliminate anything it perceives as a threat.

Repair protocols, remote-controlled mines, and the ability to transform from an automatic rifle-wielding, mobile assault mode into a stationary siege cannon all provide Bastion with a high degree of effectiveness on the battlefield.