Lanseringen av #Mists of Pandaria har varit en "pandastisk" succé. Över tre miljoner sålda ex och återigen över tio miljoner prenumeranter för det snart åtta år gamla mmo-rollspelet. Men #Blizzard ligger inte på latsidan och är i full färd med den första stora patchen, som ska innehålla en hel del nyheter. Den når testservarna snart.

Patch 5.1 kommer låta oss dyka ner i War of Conquest. Nu när både horde och alliance äntrat Pandaria vill kombattanterna självfallet sprida sin makt så mycket som möjligt över den så länge förlorade kontinenten. Men detta är inte allt och enligt Blizzard bara ett smakprov på vad som komma skall. Läs om patch 5.1 undertill.

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Pandaria and the War of Conquest
While members of the Horde and the Alliance have been busy exploring the exotic continent of Pandaria, Garrosh and Varian have been gathering their forces in preparation for the struggle to exert the influence of the Horde and the Alliance over these long-lost lands. Players who have quested through Pandaria will find Horde and Alliance expeditions arriving in force on the shores of the unspoiled continent, bringing the tensions between these factions to the fore. New daily quest hubs and faction reputations will be available to adventurers eager to do their part in the brewing conflict.

Brawler’s Guild
Underground fighting rings have sprung up in Stormwind and Orgrimmar that will give brawlers a chance to earn bragging rights by testing their solo PvE mettle against some of the toughest creatures found in World of Warcraft. The first rule of brawls is you don’t talk about brawls. The second rule…

Pet Battles Improvements
Several UI and other improvements will be added to the Pet Battles system, including a way to upgrade the rarity of pets that you’ve captured.

Item Upgrades
You will be able to spend Valor Points to improve the item level and quality of gear you already own.

The Quest Continues
Wrathion is keenly interested in the conflict exploding between the factions on Pandaria’s southern shore. He’s sure to have additional tasks for players to complete as they continue their quest for Legendary gear.