William Shatner, den första personen att i teverutan ratta en Enterprise-skuta, har intervjuats angående sin medverkan i de tre nära anstående Star Trek-spelen. Under utvecklingen har Shatner bidragit med sin röst till sitt alter ego av ettor och nollor, men han var skeptisk till en början.

The truth of the matter is that I said no for the longest time. I didn't want to do it. But they kept coming back to me, "Please do it." It was the groveling that got me. It broke my heart. So I said, "Show me the game." And when they told me what it was about, it seemed really cool. Star Trek is coming back, you can feel it in the air. They're working on a new movie, my book Captain's Glory is selling well, and now this game.

När han blev tillfrågad om de andra skådespelarnas inblandning ger han sin gamla kollega ett verbalt njurslag, förhoppningsvis med ironisk smak:

they didn't want (Leonard) Nimoy. The only person who wants Nimoy is his wife, and she's been having doubts.