San Jose Mercury News nöjesblogg har publicerat en intervju gjord under E3 med [[Shigeru Miyamoto]], som säger att han får känslan att människor tack vare [[Wii]] börjat få upp blicken för tv-spel igen. Det talas också om hur svårt det är att göra enkla spel, handkontroller, vanliga dödliga kontra hardcore-gamers samt originalitet - eller brist på originalitet - bland Nintendos egna Wii-titlar.

We don't look at casual versus the hardcore. There are a lot of hardcore gamers who play a lot of casual games. And within the casual games, we can win some of them over and get them to play the games that are more hardcore. We are trying to break down the psychological barriers even between those two groups.

I guess I don't necessarily see my job as creating new characters as it is creating new experiences. Recently, Wii Fit is creating the concept and the idea and the feeling behind the game. [..] Maybe next year sometime, we may have new characters in the same way we came up with Pikmin when we introduced the GameCube.