Hämta en betanyckel till Aion!


Betan börjar 2a eller 3e Juli. Inte säker på vilket datum för jag ser olika överallt. Men den har hursomhelst inte börjat än så därför dyker det där meddelandet upp när ni försöker logga in.


För att klarna upp lite frågor!

AionUS är samma klient (under betan) som AionEU! Ni behöver alltså INTE byta från US till EU! *OBS! Det som är viktigt dock är att inställningarna på LAUNCHERN är inställda på EU och inte US! OBS!*

Betan börjar den 2a Juli, alltså imorgon! Imorgon klockan 9 på kvällen så ska portarna öppnas till Aion!

"Serial not yet active", Det må stå så, men ni kommer att kunna spela i alla fall! Få inte panik!

"This account does not have access" Så står det på ALLA som försöker komma in på betan innan den startat! NCsoft har inaktiverat alla konton medans betan är nere, och kommer att aktivera alla igen när den är uppe!

Lösningar på gameguard errors och liknande finns att hitta på både Aionsource.com och Aiononline.se!! (hoppas inte detta inlägg tas bort nu för att jag länkar >: det är endast för att hjälpa dom >.< )


För er som startar alla era spel via Steam, skippa det med Aion. GameGuard verkar flippa ur när man startar spelet i Steam, men det funkar fint utan Steam.


Vad illa tror inte jag kommer få ner den till i morgon:( jobbar bara i 60 Kbs


Hehe power_metal
Jag laddade hem den i 800 kb/s


fuskit:D tror det är mitt internet har varit segt hela helgen och fram tills nu:(


Hittade en FAQ på Aion's beta forum som kanske kan vara till nytta:



When will I be able to login to Aion?

The Aion servers will be accessible from 12 noon PST, 2nd July 2009 through 12 noon PST, 6th July 2009.
Please be aware that when the servers initially come online there is going be thousands of players trying to log in at the same time so there may be some delays / connection problems.

I'm not on the west coast of the US - what time is that for me?

* 2pm CST
* 3pm EST
* 8pm BST (UK Time)
* 9pm CEST
* 10pm EEST
* 7am (3rd July) New Zealand

Still unsure? Try http://www.gmt2000.com

Why does it say my account doesnt have access when I try to log into Aion?

The most likely reason for this that the servers are not open yet - outside of the scheduled period no accounts have access to the servers.

If the servers are up and you are still receiving a message about your account not having access, please log a ticket with the NCSoft support team via http://help.ncsoft.com/

When I try to login it says my ID/Password do not match

Check you are connecting to the correct region for your beta/pre-order key. You can confirm your region by checking your Aion account in you PlayNC Master Account, and then can confirm/change your NC-Launcher region through the launchers settings.

How come the US release date is before the EU one?

The release dates have been slightly skewed by the distributors within the specific regions, not deliberately by us. Tuesdays happen to be the common day that boxes go on shelves in the US, and Fridays are common in the EU.

To make up for it however, we are stretching the EU head-start so that it starts at the same time as the North American one. Retail service servers, in other words, will be live at roughly the same time.

Will I be able to use my beta characters in the released game?

No. There are currently two planned character wipes, once after the Closed Beta ends, and another after Open Beta ends. This will leave a completely clean slate ready for when Pre-order Head Start begins.

Please note, other character wipes may occur during the beta phases if so required by NCSoft.

I've pre-ordered/pre-purchased Aion, why can't I used my pre-order items?

The pre-order items will not be available for use until Head Start commences.

Will I be able to user my pre-order and/or Collectors Edition items on all my characters?

This is yet to be announced. We are looking into getting you an answer as soon as possible.

I am in Europe, can I play with my friends/guildmates on the NA servers (or vice versa)?

This is yet to be announced. We are looking into getting you an answer as soon as possible. You will however need an active EU account if you want to play on EU servers, and vice versa for NA servers.

What happens if the head start period finishes and my retail key hasnt arrived yet?

There will be a short grace period after the head-start to allow for delays in shipping.

I've got this really cool suggestion - do I post it here?

There is a Suggestions Box where you can post your suggestion. You should ideally search the forum first to make sure there isn't already a thread for exactly the same thing.

How about bugs that I find?

Bugs have been split down into various categories in the Report a Bug forum. Again, have a quick search before posting a bug as it could already be posted there, and you can then add your own feedback to the already existing thread.


Snälla jag behöver akut hjälp! När jag startade Aion så stod det att jag måste ladda hem DirectX 9,men när jag ska installera det så står det typ: "CPU does not meet minimum requirement;Streaming SIMD Extensions support required."
Sen om jag trycker på "Start anyway"(i Aion) så kan spelet självklart inte startas.
Jag har aldrig fått liknade error förut. Jag kan spela andra spel,som Cod4,Cod5,Far cry och liknande.
Vad ska jag göra? Kan man fixa detta eller är det helt omölligt?


Någon som har fått det att fungera?


Hm.. funkar ju finfint det här. Dock gick det ju inte att lyssna på rösterna vid character creation så fick självklart skummaste rösten på min gubbe :/

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