Inlägg av RedR4ven

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Either Ubisoft is laundering money, Either people are in some kind of hypnosis and have lost their minds. What is it?

The fact that people praising this game. A game that have been in the making for 11 YEARS with MILLIONS of dollars behind it, Dont look or play better then BLACK FLAG, A 10 (?)+ year old game (if not more). Is beyond me. Am i living in some dual reality that have broken or what the hell is happening?!

I have watched so many videos now that compare the two and where one STILL to this day looks absolutely incredible. The other one looks like a mobile game on PC. With so much lack luster and shallow gameplay compared to Black Flag so its borderline pathetic. And i am sitting here watching those videos and then reading reviews and scratching my head and cant help but wonder. What the hell is happening? Are reviewers payed by Ubisoft or what? Seriously!?

ON TOP of that they say that its a AAAA game. Are people joking with me? WHERE is this a AAAA game? Can someone please tell me? Am i living in some dual universe where people have lost there complete minds and where their standards are instead of high so low so they accept everything and think its amazing? Is the Matrix broken?

HOW can people give this any higher then a 1 out of 10 is beyond me. As i said earlier. Are peoples standards so incredible low so you think the most broken, shallow, badly looking mobile game is now a 7 out of 10!? (going on IGN review). Like HOW are people defending this? Like is the gaming market so dead right now and so bad so people think games like these are the standards of what a good game is? Then god help us all. Because the future of AAA games looks very bleak if so.

I mean, You have such a shallow and broken sailing system so people rather fast travel around the map then doing it, Arcade ship combat so its borderline laughable, PvP that is a joke, No swimming, Quick time events all over the place etc, No real boarding, A broken ship tier system. And the fact that PIRATE SHIPS have poison dmg and can be Healer/Tank/Dps ships etc... IN A PIRATE GAME.

I can continue for hours to point things out. While AC Black Flag, 10 (ish) years ago had a damn better gameplay loop then this. The only thing ppl asked for was a Black Flag "MMO" and we got this. And in stead of people saying this is unacceptable. People are praising it.


Here is a nice comparison clip: Also i know its Asmongold (and even if i rly dont like the dude) This short comparison is actually rly good. Again: WHAT is going on?! HOW can this be a AAAA game and praised by so many.

An other:

one more:

Facial Animations: