I september [n=27401 meddelade] #Microsoft att de ämnade lägga ner #Ensemble Studios efter slutförandet av #Halo Wars. Nu när spelet nyligen [n=30857 gått guld] är det således dags att släcka ljuset och bomma igen den mycket framgångsrika 14 år gamla studion som gett oss Age of Empires-serien. Legenden Bruce Shelley, medarbetare nummer fyra, summerar i ett sista blogginlägg det senaste om Halo Wars och nedstängningen.

It is worth mentioning that about 60% of the people who worked on Age of Empires I were with the studio to the end. And it was a really special group of people who pulled together for the long hours and hard work to finish our last game to our standards.
On behalf of everyone at ES, past and present, thanks for your support over the years. Your feedback on our games made the next version better. Buying legitimate copies made it possible for us to keep making them. Thanks also to those who wrote us to express regrets about the end of our studio and even the end of this blog.