Möjligheten har funnits där och #Epic har inte velat skriva av det helt, men nu tycks det som att PC- och Playstation 3-ägare som hoppats att få spela mot varandra i #Unreal Tournament III måste ge upp hoppet. Under en IRC-chat med seriens fans konstaterade nämligen Mark Rein att det inte kommer finnas möjlighet till det när spelet släpps och att det med största sannolikhet inte heller kommer läggas till via en framtida uppdatering.

The biggest challenge in doing cross platform play is syncronizing the builds such that the build on the PC is 100% compatible with the build on the PS3. Unfortunately (or fortunately) when you games on console you have a lengthy certification process to go through each time you release anything new...

We looked at how this would impact our ability to respond quickly to things happening at internet speed on the PC side of the equation and realized that would not be in the best interests of our very loyal PC user base because we would constantly be holding on to updates to wait until they passed cert on the console platform.