Det kvartalsgamla racingliret #MotorStorm: Pacific Rift har för första gången uppdaterats. Innehållet utgörs av möjligheten att ta backup på sparade spel, bortstädning av en bugg med nitrofunktionen, bättre och enklare onlinefunktioner, med mera. Patchen tas hem automatiskt när du styr ut spelet på nätet.

Utvecklarna passar samtidigt på att berätta att en andra patch är på gång inom kort. Exakt innehåll får vi ännu inte veta, men det antyds samlartokar och trofévänner kommer bli nöjda.

Klicka för mer information

* You can now back up your save data for later restoration to the User Account it was created under (on any PS3 system, so you shouldn't ever need to lose your personal progress).
* A 'MotorStorm Helmet' icon is now displayed on-screen during critical data saves. This is in addition to the HDD Access Indicator, which currently flashes while the game makes a critical save.
* We've fixed an exploit that was recently found where pausing and unpausing during critical boosting would grant you an extra second or so of boost. Repeated over and over people have been able to shave seconds off the top leaderboard times. Seems like a lot of work for someone just to cheat at a leaderboard time, but it's all fixed now. Anyone who has used this exploit please be warned - we'll be clearing down your times off the leaderboards shortly.
* We've made the online rankings easier to understand, and made the whole Online experience even smoother and easier.
* You can be confident that Photos taken in Photo Mode will now look their best, because we?ve tuned the graphics up a notch in this mode.