Redan 2001 släpptes #NetDevils MMORPG #Jumpgate och nu sex år senare är alltså uppföljaren på gång. Det har fått namnet #Jumpgate Evolution vilket förmodligen passar bra då det enligt NetDevils Scott Brown bygger vidare på den grund som originalet skapade, med en ny grafikmotor som den mest uppenbara förbättringen.

The game has undergone a complete graphics overhaul and has been vastly expanded to offer more weapons, and greater focus on PvE targets, making roles more refined in the process. Advanced social aspects of the MMO are available as well, including player-owned stations, complete with controllable economy, updated player statistics and rankings, and the ability for players to create squads with customizable web pages for each. The overall experience is a vital improvement in terms of playability, accessibility, as well as the overall look and feel. We think it's a great example of just how far you can transform an existing IP.