I en intervju med Wired berättar #Bungies talesman Frank O'Connor om bakgrunden till företagets beslut att lämna #Microsoft. O'Connor nämner krånglig logistik, en vilja att expandera och fördelen med att äga sina egna IP:s som tunga orsaker.

På frågan om företaget kommer att fortsätta att fokusera på Xbox 360 eller om man vill pröva lyckan på andra konsoler svarar O'Connor:

Legally, our only commitment is to our publisher Microsoft Game Studios. But we can of course work on other projects on other platforms. The reality is that we like the 360, it's a very comfortable environment for us to work. Realistically, for the types of games that we make, it is the most successful platform for us to work on, given the types of titles that we work on. So it makes prudent fiscal sense for us to continue working on it. And certainly all of our near- and mid-term projects are all Xbox 360. So in that regard, not only has very little changed but we're happy to grow that platform and make it a more logical place for us to stay.