De senaste dagarnas hetta är inget mot vad som väntar i #Flagship Studios första titel, #Hellgate: London. I likhet med #Diablo kommer du att kunna använda både magiska attacker och välslipat stål för att besegra dina fiender, något den kreativa chefen Erich Schaefer berättar mer om i en intervju på RPG Vault.

Erich Schaefer: Hellgate: London will have a unique hybrid combat system, reflecting its blend of RPG and action-shooter gameplay. In Hellgate: London a hit is a hit; if a rocket looks like it hits a Demon, and explodes, it will do damage. We do not do any "to hit" calculations. However, how that damage gets applied to your target relies on a complex statistical system taking into account armor, shields, weapon and skill bonuses, temporary buffs, etc. With some character classes and builds, the player's ability to maneuver and aim will definitely help, but will not be enough to advance too far without paying attention to skills, equipment and leveling up.