Klassisk konsolhjälte i pressad pappersmassa, det är den ytliga beskrivningen av #Super Paper Mario som släpps till [[Wii]] i april (Nordamerikanskt datum). En matigare beskrivning bjuder Shacknews på efter att ha testat det på Game Developers Conference.

Super Paper Mario was quietly unveiled for GameCube last year during E3, but soon underwent a near-total media blackout. Many assumed the game had been cancelled or moved off of Nintendo's waning system to the new Wii, and last month the company confirmed the latter speculation. Super Paper Mario makes some use of Wii motion functionality, and it is certainly a relief to see the game gain a widescreen presentation option, but for the most part its GameCube design roots show through: the game is controlled by holding the Wii remote sideways like an NES controller, with the d-pad and face buttons handling most of the player input. This, of course, is entirely appropriate, as the original Super Mario Bros. on NES largely set the stage for platformers to come.