<img src="http://www.fz.se/bildarkiv/images/Company_Of_Heroes/screen5_large.thumb.jpg" width="100" height="75" border="1" style="border: 1px solid black;"></img>
NyuppdateratTvå fixade kartor, tillträde till spelets utvecklingskonsol, en finputsad [[multiplayer | flerspelarlobbyn]] och en längre rad finjusteringar och buggfixar är något av innehållet i den senaste i raden av [[patch | patchar]] släppta till #Relics ambitiösa [[RTS]]-titel #Company of Heroes. Uppgraderingen tar upp versionsnumret till 1.51 och finns att slanga hem i två olika varianter - en för version 1.40 (49 MB) och ytterligare en för version 1.50 (4 MB).
v1.51 fixes:
Fixed a bug which allowed users to use the development console in multiplayer games.
Fixed a bug in multiplayer lobby
New Maps
2p_Beaux Lowlands
General Fixes
Games with friends now have a friend icon displayed when browsing the lobby game list.
Messages regarding game connection attempts are logged to the chat window for all players in the session.
Rank icons now indicate the type of game the rank was earned in.
Games with players who have infinite pings now display an "X" for ping in the lobby game list.
New game list filtering options added to the online lobby.
Custom maps are now properly supported in multiplayer.
Losing connection with the lobby while downloading a patch no longer crashes the game.
UI sounds have been added to the online lobby.
Auto match sound notification has been improved.
Various speech fixes for weapons have been implemented and tuned.
Destruction sounds have been added to various world objects.
Repetition has been reduced in battle chatter and with various units.
Sherman Calliope?s main tank gun has been removed and the Calliope Barrage ability is now free to use.
Sherman Calliope Barrage range increased from 130 to 150 meters.
Sherman Calliope now has cap of 2, similar to the Pershing Heavy Tank.
Sherman Calliope cost reduced from 600 Manpower to 560 Manpower.
Sherman Calliope Barrage ability recharge timer increased to 105 seconds
Allied M10 Movement improved: 15% increase to acceleration and 10% increase rotation rate.
Allied M10 Tank Destroyer weapon damage has been increased and Fuel cost has been reduced by 5.
Axis Armoured Car (Puma) 20mm main cannon rear penetration vs. the Allied M10 significantly reduced.
Allied M8 Armored Car?s accuracy on the move increased. Now on par with the M4 Sherman and M10 Tank Destroyer.
Allied M8 Armored Car?s accuracy penalties vs. the Axis Armored Car (Puma) have been removed.
Allied M8 Armored Car Armor upgrade Munitions cost reduced by 25.
Allied Pershing penetration rate vs. the Stug increased to 80%.
Axis Stug penetration rate vs. the Pershing has been reduced to 45% from 74.6%
Armoured Fury Branch changed to: Raid to Allied War Machine to Calliope.
War Machine Branch changed to: Fast Deployment to Field Repairs to Pershing.
Allied War Machine Command Point Cost reduced by 1
Sherman Calliope Command Point Cost reduced by 1
All Infantry Anti-Tank weaponry (Bazooka, Recoilless Rifle, Panzerschreck) are slightly more accurate when firing at moving light targets.
Allied Bazookas and Recoilless Rifles now deal slightly more damage to Light Vehicles
Panzerfaust accuracy against infantry targets has been reduced as intended. While there is still a chance to directly hit and kill targets like snipers,
Panzerfausts are now more likely to cause splash damage rather than kill infantry.
Panzerschreck Damage vs. base buildings lowered by 25%.
Bazooka damage vs. base buildings has been lowered by 25%.
Allied BAR Rifle upgrade now gives 2 BAR Rifles rather than 3. Allied BAR Riflemen squads will now be able to pick-up MG42 and Panzerschreck items
Allied BAR Rifle damage increased by 40%.
Allied BAR Rifle will take slightly longer to Pin units that are in a Suppressed state
Allied BAR Suppression ability can no longer suppress and pin units in heavy cover.
Players may no longer delete Sand Bags or Tank Traps.
Allied Observation Post built from Riflemen now has the same build speed as the Observation Post built by Engineers.
Allied Observation Posts, Axis Observation Posts, and Machine Gun Nests now have the appropriate target type while building; now like all other buildings they will be much more susceptible to damage while under construction
Axis Volksgrenadiers can now utilize the same build menu as the Grenadiers ? this allows them to construct Barbed Wire and Sand Bags.
All Barrage weapons no longer have a 50% chance to miss targets in Smoke.
Projectiles will no longer pass directly through Sherman?s on registered ?Misses? ? they will now behave like all other tanks and those hits will be registered as a non-penetrated ?deflection?.
Sherman smoke launcher recharge rate was less than the duration of the ability, now set to 45 seconds
Axis ?Leutnant? Manpower cost decreased to 260 from 340
Axis ?Leutnant? Build Time increased to 60 from 30.
All Snipers more effective against units garrisoned inside of bunkers.
All Allied Rifles slightly more effective against Axis Motorcycles
Allied Engineers with the Flamethrower upgrade are no longer resistant to Sniper Shots
Fixed an issue where the Stug?s main gun Area-of-Effect was too effective against infantry squads.
Axis Assault ability will now break pinning/suppression and prevent pinning/suppression while the ability is active.
Increased Axis Infantry passive health regeneration bonus received from their first level of veterancy by 40%.
Panzer IV accuracy while moving set to the same value as other tanks.
Axis Goliaths now destroy Tank Traps in a single explosion.
Axis Armoured Car Puma 50mm Cannon upgrade now requires Escalate to Battle Phase upgrade.
Axis Motorcycles damage vs. units in light or heavy cover has been slightly reduced
Axis StuH 42 now effectively kills infantry as was originally intended
Axis Armoured Car Puma 50mm Upgrade accuracy reduced vs. infantry. It is intended as an anti-armor upgrade.
All Mortars now have a chance to deal Mobility Damage if they hit Light Vehicles.
All Anti-Tank guns are now more accurate when firing at moving and stationary Light Vehicles.
Allied 57mm Anti-Tank gun firing cone has been increased by 20 degrees to match Axis 50mm Anti-Tank gun.
Allied HMG Armor Piercing Rounds ability price reduced from 50 to 35 munitions.
Allied Howitzer Gun Barrage is less accurate when firing into the Fog of War.
Axis Nebelwerfer Manpower cost has been reduced by 20
Axis Nebelwerfer Rocket Suppression area of effect increased.
Axis Nebelwerfer Rocket area of effect damaged reduced. Direct hits and near misses will still damage infantry units.
Axis Nebelwerfer will deal a reduced amount of damage to units in light, heavy, bunker, and garrison cover types.
Axis Flak 88?s are more resilient to Artillery, off-map attacks, and satchel charges (the crew manning them is not).
Axis Flak 88?s and Nebelwerfers can now be re-manned by 2-man Pioneer squads.