Fantasy- och splatterfilmaren Peter Jackson ska som bekant producera filmatiseringen av #Halo men många har varit oroliga över valet av regissör. Den någon oerfarne Neill Blomkamp har mestadels sysslat med kortfilmer och reklam tidigare men i en intervju på Ain't it Cool News försvarar Jackson sitt val.

I don't think there's any problem whatsoever with a so-called first time director directing it. At the end of the day, Neill (Blomkamp) is not a first time director. He's a first time feature film director, but he understands film and grammar as good as anybody. He's done some wonderful short films and commercials. His visual eye is fantastic and his storytelling is great. The fact that it's a feature film just means that he gets to shoot for longer than he did in the short film. There really isn't anything else that's different.