"Tim Moss?!" tänker ni troligen nu och det är fullt förståligt, men samtidigt beklagligt. Han är nämligen kodknackaren bakom den motor som i de båda #God of War-spelen pressar den ålderstigna Playstation 2 till nya höjder. I en tudelad intervju med Newsweeks duktiga spelskribent N'Gai Croal talar han om sin grafikmotor, God of War:s framtid, sin beundran för konkurrenterna och samarbetet mellan Sonys olika studios:
What we do share is knowledge; we have a pretty open policy with all the other Sony teams where we make it quite clear that we will be happy to discuss the specifics of any piece of our game code or the methods behind it. We have done this a lot with Naughty Dog, who are very close to us in Santa Monica and have helped us out a lot in return as well. As mentioned we are sharing a lot more engine code, in fact some very key parts of the PS3 engine are going to come from Sony's engine. Sony has been arranging more internal meetings between the tech leads and these are very productive as well. This ranges from case studies of released products to side conversations about best ways to leverage multiprocessors on PS3, its all pretty cool stuff.