<img src="http://www.fz.se/bildarkiv/images/World_Of_Warcraf/WoWScrnShot_022005_193725.thumb.jpg" width="100" height="75" border="1" style="border: 1px solid black;"></img>
NypatchatAllehanda mindre felkorrekturer - som bland annat berör uppdragen Mechanar och Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad - står på dagordningen när #Blizzard släppt den senaste i raden av uppdateringar till onlinefenomenet #World of Warcraft. Berörda parter hittar [[patch | patchen]] i FZ:s filarkiv där två olika utgåvor låter versionsnummer 2.0.3 (19 MB) respektive 2.0.10 (3 MB) ta klivet upp till 2.0.12.



Förändringsförteckningen i detalj:


  • Improved memory usage and stability under Mac OS X 10.4.9 using
    multi-threaded OpenGL

Bug Fixes

  • Attempting to turn in a guild charter with a signature from a
    player that formed his own guild will no longer result in an
    inappropriate error message.

  • Using the customer support "Auto-Unstuck" will now trigger the
    one-hour cooldown on the player's hearthstone.

  • Arenas - Players will no longer be able to see their opponents in the Combat
    Log of an Arena match-up before the game starts.

  • Battlegrounds - Eye of the Storm: Players should no longer be able to exit the
    bubble before the match starts.

  • Mechanar - The gate at the top of the elevator in Mechanar will now remain open
    while attempting the gauntlet and after Pathaleon the Calculator is

  • Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad - The Escape from Durnholde event will no longer break during the church part of the encounter.

  • Various localization fixes have been applied.