I våras släpptes årets bästa getspel #Goat Simulator med bisarr Hollywood-fysik och massor av roliga påskägg. De som föredrar att spela på mobilen eller surfplattan kan nu upptäcka titeln till Android och IOS. Detta avslöjar #Coffee Stain Studios i ett lagom allvarligt pressmeddelande:
[quote]MOVE AWAY CLONES, THE REAL DEAL IS HERE. Goat Simulator was just released for iOS and Android and is now avaliable on the App Store and Google Play for $4.99.
And you guys thought we’d never get it to run on mobile!!
About Goat Simulator:
Goat Simulator is a drug that is created by the 0’s and 1’s inside computers, and then radiated from a computer screen right into YOUR EYES, forcing your brain to have fun. Coffee Stain Studios have now ported this technology to iOS and Android, giving you the ability to inject your brain with fun wherever you go. [/quote]
38 kronor kostar Goat Simulator i App Store och Google Play. För en djupare inblick i galenskapen som väntar rekommenderas vår recension av pc-spelet.