Unreal Engine har uppdaterats till version 4,5 och en rad nya förbättringar har implementerats. Bland de stora nyheterna hittas nytt animationssystem, metoder för att göra mänsklig hud mer verklighetstrogen och imponerande skuggor med hjälp av ray tracing, något de bland annat visar med en scen från #Fortnite.

The 4.5 release includes eagerly-awaited features such as animation retargeting, automatic C++ hot reload, light map UV generation and streaming video textures. New real-time ray traced soft shadows allow for beautifully lit dynamic scenes, and screen-space subsurface scattering enables very realistic skin materials. Support for mobile platforms and consoles is better than ever, and hundreds of targeted improvements in this release allow complex online games to pass console certification tests. Finally, creating user interfaces has never been easier now that Unreal Motion Graphics is ready to use!