Nintendos senaste Direct avslutades med att Bayonetta 3 äntligen visades upp. Det är första trailern sedan teasern visades 2013 och det är nog många Bayonetta-fans som känner de kan andas ut nu. Efter så lång väntat började det ju spekuleras i huruvida spelet fortfarande levde eller inte, detta trots att Platinum sagt att vi inte ska vara oroliga. Efter trailern postade Bayonettas producent Hideki Kamitya ett meddelande till fansen på sin blogg.

Sorry to have kept you all waiting. It’s been about four years since the announcement back in 2017… We really, really kept you waiting.

In those four years, I’m sure people had a lot of concerns like “What’s happening with Bayonetta 3?” and “Are they really still working on it?” and “When are we going to get some new news?” But just as much as everyone wants to see Bayonetta 3 as soon as possible, all of us working on it have been burning to show it off just as badly, and without being able to hear any cheers from fans, we’ve buckled down and kept working for four years.

Now we’ve finally been able to show the fruits of our labors and the team can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and we’ll be able to concentrate even harder on our work. It’s been a long four years for us too.

Ni kan läsa meddelandet i sin helhet på hans personliga blogg. Bayonetta 3 är tänkt att släppas under 2022 och kommer vara exklusivt till Nintendo Switch.