I natt släppte Blizzard en massiv patch till Diablo IV. Version 1.0.3 bjuder på en lång rad ändringar och buggfixar – ta en titt på changeloggen för detaljer – men utvecklarna skriver att end-game-grejer kommer få mer kärlek i samband med att season one släpps. Det ska ske under andra halvan av juli.

Däremot har klasserna ombalanserats, och utbetalningen av XP i senare skeden ökats markant. Så här skriver Blizzard:

Experience Rewards

  • Significantly increased the experience awarded for completing Nightmare Dungeons.

  • Significantly increased the experience gained from killing monsters in Nightmare Dungeons.

  • Helltide chests now provide substantially more bonus experience when opened.

  • Significantly increased rewarded experience from completing individual Whispers across the board.

We’re continuing our efforts to make all Class builds feel fun and powerful with another round of balance updates. In particular, we have seen community feedback stating that Basic Skills aren’t impactful enough in combat. These changes will not change the fundamental relationship between Basic Skills and Core Skills, but we hope that they help smooth out the leveling experience while we explore additional ways to strengthen them. We are also increasing the power of some Skills that players feel are lagging behind their peers. As we look forward to future updates, we’re monitoring other heavily discussed topics, such as Minion survivability and build parity. Please keep sending us your feedback, and we'll see you in Sanctuary!

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